Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Christmas card from Julie Berryman

Dear Chorus Sisters,

I was lucky enough to go back in time a few months ago, when I was invited to sing in the anniversary show with the chorus that got me started in Sweet Adelines, a midsize chorus in a different region. Treasured memories came flooding back, and the funny thing is...the memories kept bringing me back to the San Diego Chorus.

My first International contest I was part of the audience. I cried when San Diego sang their uptune "Midnight Choo-choo" wondering "HOW do they DO that?", never imagining that two years later I would singing on the International stage WITH San Diego!

My first batch of learning tapes with San Diego in 1998 included "Go Tell it on the Mountain". Again with the crying, "Oh my gosh. I get to learn a song this complicated and exciting!"

Now all these years later, I am still excited and thrilled when we all work together and use the fabulous tools that we are offered by the DMT, all week, every week,. Our leadership is so strong in still amazes and inspires me. I think this is part of the reason I am so delighted when new women come to the chorus and "get it".

So, look around you and revel in this time together on the risers, soak up everything you can. Learn, enjoy, and appreciate what we already have and where we're going. There is no one else like us. And I have that on good authority.

Have a Joyous December!
with love,

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